Saturday, December 31, 2011

My 2012 TBR Pile Challenge List

Ok so along with my other reading Goals for 2012 I am going to get some of those books that are on my To Be Read List read.  So I am joining Adam over at Roof Beam Reader's 2012 TBR Pile Challenge.

My 2012 TBR Pile Challenge List:
1. Gone With The Wind by Margaret Mitchell
2. The Shack by William P. Young
3. Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher
4. Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil by John Berendt
5. Into the Woods by Jana French
6. The House at Riverton by Kate Morton
7. Under the Banner of Heaven by Jon Krakauer
8. Same Kind of Different as Me by Ron Hall and Denver Moore
9. The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
10. The Voyage of the Dawn Trader by C.S. Lewis  -- Finished 01/10/2012 

My Two Alternates:
1. The Hound of the Baskervilles by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
2. The Things They Carried by Tim O'Brien


  1. Glad you're joining the challenge!

    I'm reading Gone With the Wind right now (first book picked from my own 2012 challenge list) and I'll definitely be reading more of the Sherlock Holmes series this year (read the first two novels last year).

    The Things They Carried is SO GOOD. I hear good things about some of the others on your list as well, but haven't read any of 'em. Looking forward to seeing what you think.

    Good luck!

  2. Thank you....I started reading The Voyage of the Dawn Trader this afternoon to my 8 year-old. It's been sitting in our stack of books for about 2 years. I am going to start reading Gone with the Wind soon but I am reading it with 2 friends and we are going to break it down over several months so we can keep up with book club books. I also read the first two Sherlock Holmes novels and the first collection of short stories last year and I have been itching to read more.

    I am really looking forward to reading some of these books and your challenge will help me read them instead of continuing to set them aside.

  3. Oh, I just realized I was suppose to list 12 books and 2 alternates. I guess I will have to read my 2 alternates now since I only listed 10. Hope they are all good.
